35 high school seniors enrolled in public schools in the city participated in the first class.
This Thursday (25th) marked the conclusion of the first class of the Educational Program conducted by Seagems, a Brazilian company specializing in subsea engineering solutions. The program aims to train students enrolled in schools in the municipality. The initiative, which began on July 15th, was supported by the Rio das Ostras (RJ) Department of Education and trained 35 high school seniors from CINAMOMO and Ciep 257 schools. These students embarked on a journey of learning and corporate experience in the O&G sector.
Comprised of introductory and basic modules in various areas, along with animations and institutional videos, the course offered 103 hours of online learning and 64 hours of in-person training at the SEA (Seagems Excellence Academy) facilities. The project modules focused on the basics of working as a Launch Operator and ROV Pilot, but also included lessons in Hydraulics, Mechanics, Electrical, Electronics, as well as courses on daily professional dynamics, such as interpersonal relationships and corporate writing.

“Seagems is a company that values training, focuses on education and improvement, and sees education as a market differentiator. Therefore, it makes perfect sense for us to spearhead an initiative like this,” explained Glaucia Maciel, Seagems’ Human Resources Director.
For Glaucia, such actions help the company achieve its goal of leaving a legacy from its activities for society. “Being with these young people here renews us and brings the certainty that it is possible to make a difference in the lives of the community around us. We are providing a transformative experience for each of these young people who committed to being with us during their school holidays. They are shining!” she celebrated.

The idea for the Educational Project has been maturing since last year and aimed to provide high school seniors in Rio das Ostras the chance to experience a corporate environment with basic lessons related to Seagems’ business, as well as access to the company’s online learning platform. In other words, students had the same study conditions provided to Seagems employees.
“In these eight days of training, students interacted with Seagems employees from Rio das Ostras, with the operational base in full operation, giving them a vision for the future and helping them decide on a profession. We hope this project opens many doors in these students’ lives and somehow benefits them and their families,” said Aurélio Ponec, Seagems’ Training and Development Coordinator.

Gender Equality
A highlight of the training was the selection of a female majority for the course. In a historically male-dominated field, enabling a future with greater gender equality is one of Seagems’ goals, which has increased the number of women in its workforce by 10% in recent years, now representing 18% of the company. For the first class of the Seagems Educational Project, 54% of the students were women.
Anna Sarah de Carvalho Costa, 17, a senior at CINAMOMO school, did not know the company before the course and was very happy to participate in the training. “I learned a lot of new things. For example, I discovered that working offshore is not easy after seeing the operations being carried out. Although I found that working on a vessel is very different from what I thought, I really enjoyed handling the parts, especially when disassembling and reassembling the hydraulic pump as a team. I found Seagems’ office, where we had our classes, incredible. I liked the organization even more, and I understood that safety is very important in this area,” she said.

“About the course we took, I would tell the candidates for the next class: take the test, you won’t regret it,” concluded the student.
Ana Karolina Werdam Bonifacio, 18 years old, a third-year student at Ciep 257 school, was still unsure about which profession to pursue, and the course broadened her horizons. “This was the first time I had contact with Seagems and it’s interesting to think that there is a company with such relevance so close to here, and many people have no idea. I had already heard about the offshore market, but I had many doubts about this area. I really liked the initiative,” said Ana.
“We had classes on hydraulics, mechanics, and ROV techniques. I had never had this experience and didn’t even know how the equipment worked. We had several lectures from various professionals from different fields, which opened up the range of professions I can choose from because experiences like this help to broaden our horizons. And before, I thought I would get there and have to do a lot of small tasks, handling tools… But the course is not just that, you know? There are a zillion professions you can have onboard.
I knew I wanted to work in the office, but I didn’t know much about the professions. So, there we heard about Occupational Safety Technician – which I was already familiar with – about Administration, the Purchasing sector, Training… And it broadened my horizons. Before, I wanted to take a technical safety course, and now I’m not sure anymore, maybe I’ll do administration. And being in the Seagems office was, like, incredible. Because I would get there and say ‘this is my job, my company.’ I feel like a real professional. I get there and think I’m an engineer, I’m an administrator, I feel very proud.
If I had to leave a message for the next students in the new classes, it would be: go without fear! The company is wonderful, as are the employees. And, above all, go with an open mind, for new perspectives! It’s a unique opportunity to get to know this professional environment. It’s a course rich in learning, with many advantages. I hope I can take this course again, haha. I will definitely recommend it to everyone. It was super gratifying for me! Speaking well of the company has become one of my favorite things. We all loved it and we will definitely miss it a lot when it ends,” concluded Ana Karolina.

Sharing Knowledge
It’s not every day that Seagems technicians have the opportunity to teach young students still seeking a profession. To help in this journey, the program designed by Seagems, which takes advantage of two weeks during the school holiday period, explored the fundamentals of technical and professional training for the company’s most common careers.
“Seagems demonstrated a great commitment by bringing these young people into our work environment, providing a practical and valuable experience that can shape their futures. For me, it is an honor to share my passion and experience with this diverse group of teenagers. I’m excited to see how they will absorb and later apply theoretical knowledge in practice,” said Matheus Miranda, instructor of the ROV Pilot Training Module I course.
Mário César Guimarães, instructor of the basic level Launch Operator course, said his history with Seagems began over 10 years ago, and this training brought nostalgia. In 2014, when the company was starting, Guimarães began training professionals who are now Seagems leaders. The specialized workforce for this market was scarce at the time, and it was up to Mário to plan and teach the first training and improvement classes for the company. It is symbolic that exactly ten years later, he is the first teacher of the first course open to the community, adapted for young people, focused on the social aspect rather than meeting internal demands.
“Seeing these new kids today takes me back ten years. I liked their interest. I didn’t expect so much, but there was good participation! Participating in these classes is very gratifying, we learn a lot. And what I learn, I pass on. Knowledge is not meant to be stagnant. And I take great pleasure in doing this, very much. It’s what motivates me to continue, even after all these years of work,” says Guimarães, who has been in the field since 1978 and is now retired.
This was the first experience of the Seagems Educational Program, which takes advantage of public-school students’ vacation periods in Rio das Ostras to offer the course. The company is already studying new dates for future editions of the program.